Zollanvari International returns to Münchner Stoff Frühling from March 7 – 10, 2024. The company will be located as last year @ Teppicharchitektur Saemmer, Unsöldstrasse 9/11, 80538 Munich. This showroom-based event for interior decorators and designers and furniture and furnishings stores gathers together the industry's elite with some 50 exhibitors/venues and over 90 international and national brands being represented. 

Zollanvari International’s approach to this second showing has been driven partly by visitor response in 2023 and by their gallerist’s need to service their regular client base, but chiefly by their unrelenting desire to innovate and surprise, pushing the boundaries of design carpet production. Highlights will include Tiger in the Woods from the Walk on the Wild Side Collection created by Zollanvari Studio, a modern near-pictorial and somewhat whimsical interpretation of traditional Gabbehs depicting Flora and Fauna that are typically stylized; Aureole 4 from the Glitch Gabbehs Collection designed by SoFarSoNear Studio Milan for Zollanvari International, winner of the Archiproducts Design Awards 2023 in the DECOR category; Mondrianesque Squares Revisited 2 that merges archetypal Gabbeh ‘square’ motifs with modern Western abstract art, particularly the Dutch abstract art movement known as De Stijl (The Style); and last but not least a couple of exuberant additions to the Flower Meadow Collection, Tulip Meadow 1 and Lilly of the Valley 1 that have such grace, detail and color palette – truly evocative of Post-Impressionist or even Master paintings.

Tulip Meadow 1, Flower Meadow Collection, Zollanvari Studio, Zollanvari Super Fine Gabbeh

As Reza Zollanvari puts it, “Zollanvari have never shied away from pushing the boundaries, from innovating, from finding inspiration in weaving traditions and art movements from across the globe, but always giving the designs the Zollanvari twist.”

Other highlights come in the depictions of dreamy naïve landscapes, enduring trees, mysterious arboretums, artistic explorations, exotic exuberance and haunted woodlands – all new and/or updated versions of acclaimed designs.

Register at https://stoff-fruehling.de/en/free-tickets-for-the-muenchner-stoff-fruehling/.
