The High Point Market Authority (HPMA) and Esteem Media team up once again to announce this season’s team and sponsors for the two-day Design Influencers Tour at Fall Market. After reviewing candidate applications, 10 design influencers from around the U.S. were selected by the partner organizations to tour sponsoring showrooms at High Point Market and report on their findings:

After the event, each influencer will utilize their social media channels and blogs to share their High Point Market tour experience with followers.

“We’re excited for this diverse group of influencers to report on the best of High Point Market,” says Adam Japko, founder of Esteem Media and the Design Influencers Conference. “With so many unique points of view, stay tuned to discover cool finds from this season.”

The list of participating High Point Market exhibitor-sponsor showrooms at Fall Market include:

To keep up with Design Influencers Tour news and discoveries during and after Fall Market, follow the #designinfluencerstour hashtag on social media.