These are bold statement carpets designed to fill a perceived void in the marketplace. They are colorful, playful, and at times whimsical. These are bold statement carpets designed to fill a perceived void in the marketplace. They are colorful, playful, and at times whimsical. Above all, they reflect the ethos of firm principal and namesake Kate Thornley-Hall. 

 “It is thrilling and amazing to me to be able to create handwoven rugs that not only decorate a space but have lifelong durability and are able to stand up to the wear and tear of family while maintaining their timeless beauty.” Born from a desire to bring contemporary art and design to interiors, the carpets created by Thornley-Hall are colorful pieces of “art you can walk on,” says Thornley-Hall.

Perhaps none more so than the delightful “Oiseau,” shown here. After all, who wouldn’t welcome a flight full of fancy to adorn their home?
Image courtesy of Kate Thornley-Hall