Hindu and Buddhist traditions identify numerous chakras, or focal points in the psycho-spiritual subtle body, which not only reside within the physical human form but also influence the health and well-being thereof.

The Solar Plexus or Manipurna—which translates as “resplendent gem” or “lustrous gem”—is said to provide the actual momentum to move forward and realize personal desires and intentions in the physical world. Typically represented by a triangle in a circle, and surrounded by ten lotus petals, its coloration ranges from sun to golden yellow. It also provided inspiration to the firm Chaccra,­­­ which endeavors to create timeless housewares—including rugs—that inspire cultural engagement and inclusivity, bridging occidental and oriental perspectives by harnessing ancient Nepali and Tibetan craft techniques in order to create design suited for today’s globally-influenced consumer.

Behold! Saura by Chaccra.

Handknotted in Nepal of pure Tibetan Highland sheep’s wool utilizing traditional Tibetan methodologies.
